Tuesday, May 04, 2010

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. ~Albert Einstein

Remember 'Idea Raman',the famous character who gives great ideas in an old Hindi Tv serial? if your memory cells are already started withering away, What about Sirji of the Idea cellular mobile, who has an idea for every problem?

The Knowledge Foundation (TKF) is coming up with "Idea Camp", a platform where anyone can come and share his/her ideas and validate it. The time given for sharing the Idea is around 3 mins and another 7 mins for Q&A and discussions. The most encouraging factor is that Idea camp is for non Techie people like me. So at least in this Camp you will not see the regular boring PPTs. Have a look at Facebook page of Idea Camp for more details.

So interested? is there a Sirji or Raman in you? Idea Camp would be the right place for you, come and share your ideas.

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