Tuesday, September 08, 2009

London Diary:Madame Tussaud’s wax museum, London.

One Museum I was waiting to see in London was Madame Tussaud’s wax museum. Once you are inside the museum, you really get to know who is popular in people’s mind.

Hollywood gallery
When I entered this gallery I realized the power of media called Cinema! Film personalities (read actors) are the most popular among mortals. The feel was electrifying. Most of the people were in a state of frenzy.

I saw people screaming, dancing and weeping seeing their favourite star’s wax statue. If you want to take pics of them you need to have real patience (I had). It will take at least 5-10 mins to reach near the statutes and if you really lucky enough you can pose with them.

There are some exceptions to this.I found Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg in a corner.

Charlie Chaplin was far away mostly unnoticed!

Gallery of World leaders were relatively empty but found King and Queen still popular among visitors.

Madame Tussaud herself!

But the time spent inside the Museum was worth, where else one can find all these world famous personalities under the same roof?

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