Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The behind scene stories of TEDx Chennai: part-1

Kiruba’s theory on Name tags

was always particular about the size of the name tags to be used for TEDx Chennai.His theory was that people should read one’s name and designation from a reasonable distance and length of the tag should be such that one should not bend down and stare at the belly of the person wearing the tag and cause considerable embarrassment.

His TED India tag was a good reference.

So Kaushik, the tag specialist was summoned and instructed to make ‘The Name tag’. Several days passed and two days prior to the tedDx DAY we met at Kiruba’s office for a crucial organisers’ discussion.

Kaushik proudly presented to all the size of the name tag which resulted in riot like situation.

The plastic holder was slightly bigger than the size of a Business card.Kiruba was visibly upset and almost barked at Kaushik.

What more to say? The name tag was ready on Nov28

and Kaushik did a good job for sure

One can imagine Kiruba’s mental state seeing the name tag!


Karthik Narayan said...

Awesome stuff man!

sandeep varma said...

Thanks for the comment Karthik

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
Certainly. I join told all above. Let's discuss this question.